Saturday, May 31, 2008

Thing #4

I emailed Vaughan and registered on PDLC. This is so refreshing to learn, play, and post.

Thing #3

Well I already created a blogspot earlier this year because a few friends and teachers wanted to read a book together. So I also created my avatar. I picked my favorite artist, Christian Lassen, surfer and talented artist. A good rep for me!

Thing #1

This is what I have been waiting for online SD. I love this idea. Finally...

Thing #2

I really like habit #2 and 3 "Begin with the End in Mind" and Put First things First." It is important for me to have a personal mission for my class. It guides me in what my goals are for my class and as a growing professional educator. I struggle with habit # 4 "Think Win/Win." I do not seek out professional relationship that are mutually beneficial. If someone needs help, you help them.